Denizen Script Language Explanations

Language Explanations explain components of Denizen in a more direct and technical way than The Beginner's Guide.

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NameSlot Inputs
DescriptionWhenever a script component requires a slot ID (such as the take command, when using '- take slot:#')
you can give the slot ID input as either a number of the 1-based index (where the first slot is 1, the second is 2, etc.)
If the slot given is 'hand', for a player the held item slot will be used, for any other entity the slot will be 1.
OR you can give the following names (valid for player inventories only):
BOOTS: equivalent to 37
LEGGINGS: equivalent to 38
CHESTPLATE: equivalent to 39
HELMET: equivalent to 40
OFFHAND: equivalent to 41

Note that some common alternate spellings may be automatically accepted as well.
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